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Revitalising a Boat After Four Years Constantly Cruising The Norfolk Broads

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 11:37 am
by NBF

Revitalising a Boat After Four Years Constantly Cruising The Norfolk Broads

On this auspicious day of April 10, 2018, I find myself headed to the Wayford Bridge boatyard, embarking on a journey that marks a significant milestone. It's the day my boat emerges from the waters of the Norfolk Broads after four years of continuous use and, admittedly, a fair share of abuse. The anticipation is palpable as I envision the tasks awaiting me – a symphony of restoration and renewal.

The boat, having weathered the tides and endured countless voyages, is, as one might expect, showing signs of wear and tear. It's a canvas awaiting a new brushstroke, a story eager to unfold. All those tasks set aside while afloat can now take centre stage.

The locals might raise an eyebrow at my impromptu riverside workshop, but practicality often trumps conformity. Today's agenda is clear – haul the boat out, unleash the power of a jet wash, and lay the groundwork for a comprehensive rejuvenation. The excitement is palpable, and the prospect of witnessing the boat's transformation is exhilarating.

As I navigate through the upcoming months, I can't help but reflect on the possibility of relocating or selling the boat once the restoration is complete. The realisation dawns that, in the realm of boats, bigger often translates to better. Perhaps a larger project beckons on the coastal horizon, and I find myself contemplating the potential avenues.

The next three months promise a whirlwind of activities – sanding, painting, and burnishing. Each stroke of the brush is a step toward revitalisation, a journey that unfolds against the picturesque backdrop of the Norfolk Broads. The scenery, a blend of nature's hues and the promise of renewal becomes an integral part of this narrative.

For those unfamiliar with the term, a "wild mooring" is not just a location; it's an experience. Unlike traditional pontoons or moorings, these spots offer a unique charm, attracting a diverse array of enthusiasts, from hire boaters to private craft owners. The flexibility they afford, with no 24-hour restrictions and potential multiple days long stays, adds to the allure, making them a hidden gem along the Broads.

As the boat emerges from its watery cocoon, the excitement is tangible. Contrary to initial concerns, the state of the keels and overall condition is better than expected. Amidst the tasks on the agenda, one stands out – the addition of a propeller rope cutter.

Before delving into the restoration process, there's the matter of clearing the accumulated debris and addressing minor imperfections. Bubbles on the surface are acknowledged but deemed inconsequential. The epoxy on the bilge keels, a testament to the boat's journey, becomes a canvas for improvement.

In conclusion, this boat's revival transcends the mundane; it's a story of renewal, embracing change and navigating uncharted waters, literally and metaphorically. As the journey unfolds, each stroke of the brush and turn of the wrench adds a chapter to this maritime tale, turning a used and enjoyed vessel into a restored craft fit for more adventures..