Rising Boat Wrecks

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Rising Boat Wrecks

Post by NBF »

Winter storms and heavy flooding have led to a drastic surge in sunken boats across the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads, with the number more than doubling compared to previous years.

This winter season has witnessed a staggering ten wrecks, a stark contrast to the mere four reported last year. While five vessels remain submerged, they pose no immediate threat to navigation. However, several others have demanded intervention from the Broads Authority to mitigate risks to fellow boaters.

Among the casualties are yachts, motor cruisers, and barges, scattered throughout various sites including the River Yare in Reedham and Thorpe, the Stalham Cut on the Ant, and the vicinity of Cow Tower in Norwich on the Wensum.

Attributing the surge to recent extreme weather conditions, John Packman, the chief executive of the Broads Authority, emphasised the challenges posed by climate change, sea level rises, and increased rainfall on the waterways. He highlighted instances where vessels, lifted by high water levels, became ensnared on quaysides while tied to moorings, subsequently capsizing and filling with water as the tide recedes.

In response to the escalating situation, Mr. Packman noted the authority's prompt actions in several cases, utilising their powers to swiftly remove vessels before they could pose a greater hazard to navigation. However, he underscored the mounting pressure on the Broads Authority to effectively manage the impacts of environmental changes on the region's waterways.
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