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Abusive Fishermen Preventing Boats Mooring Up On Norfolk Broads

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Abusive Fishermen Preventing Boats Mooring Up On Norfolk Broads

Post by NBF »

Disturbing footage of aggressive, abusive fishermen at Irstead Staithe, Norfolk Broads preventing boat from mooring and pushing the boat off.

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Re: Abusive Fishermen Preventing Boats Mooring Up On Norfolk Broads

Post by NBF »

Just in case you still had faith in the Broads Authority? You may lose it all completely when you read the response I received when I shared this footage with them.
Good afternoon Miles,

Thank you for contacting us regarding threatening behaviour at Irstead Staithe. Unfortunately we are unable to act on 3rd party information, but if the witness or any boaters affected would like to report this directly to us we will investigate this disturbing incident.

Kind regards,

Nikki Jones

I am lost for words....and that rarely happens :!:
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Re: Abusive Fishermen Preventing Boats Mooring Up On Norfolk Broads

Post by NBF »

The hire boats are out.. imagine a family pulling in to moor for the night and being confronted with this.
Screenshot_20240305-171856.png (713.35 KiB) Viewed 54983 times
It's not right and a woke BA won't deal with it.
It's the navigation area...move out!
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Re: Abusive Fishermen Preventing Boats Mooring Up On Norfolk Broads

Post by NBF »

I am quite perplexed by some comments online about the posting of this video.

One in particular is someone going by the name of "Meantime" on a Broad's forum who seems to question an agenda behind the video and then goes on to repeatedly make quotes about
Being a thorn in the side of the BA and accusations of being a repeat overstayer on moorings.
What I am seeing here is nothing short of projection and we can all nip that in the bud right now.

The video has been posted not to cause any uproar or invalidate any organisation.
The video was posted because the event is unacceptable and needs to be addressed and handled by the relevant authorities.

Bear in mind hire boats are coming out now as well as private boat owners and if this belligerent behaviour goes without being addressed, then don't be surprised if no tourists come to the Norfolk Broads this year.

If anyone has any questions about the video? Contact me on YouTube in the comments section, I will gladly answer any questions.

Posting your own projection online anonymously is cringeworthy.

Any questions? Just ask
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Re: Abusive Fishermen Preventing Boats Mooring Up On Norfolk Broads

Post by NBF »

Any boat should be able to moor up at a public mooring without resistance .
If someone is fishing?
Fine..that is not a problem.
Permit the boat to moor and carry on fishing.
There is no issue.
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Re: Abusive Fishermen Preventing Boats Mooring Up On Norfolk Broads

Post by NBF »

https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news ... ate=070324

According to that newspaper article the police are now investigating the matter which is great news.

It now means the Norfolk Broads is safer for all and boaters private or hire can continue to use the waterways free from abuse and threatening behaviour.

I was also contacted by one of the fisherman claiming the boat ran his lines which is absolute rubbish. There were multiple witnesses to this incident and furthermore it is not an isolated incident but one of many.

I was also threatened with legal action if I didn't take his photo down which is once again absolute rubbish as it's a public spot and we all have a right to film in public. That is why his photo is now shared across local newspapers.

The Norfolk Broads is for everyone and if these two think they can carry on abusing and threatening boaters and dictating to others who can and can't moor up, then they are very mistaken.
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Re: Abusive Fishermen Preventing Boats Mooring Up On Norfolk Broads

Post by NBF »

According to the EDP today this matter is still under investigation with the police.

My understanding is a certain Broads Authority ranger who I won't name is also part of the investigation.

This matter has been going on for some weeks now and did feature in the national papers and is likely to again.

There has been certain individuals posting speculative comments online. Can I just remind people that who is on the boat being pushed away has zero relevance to this incident. The issue was the behaviour of the fisherman. The individual on the boat has had issues with the Broads Authority. I would suggest that his state of mental well being was antagonised by the Broads Authority when they felt it was appropriate to switch of the electric at Sutton Staithe during the middle of the winter. Personally, I think the chap would benefit from some sympathy especially as he may have been vulnerable and for the Broads Authority to torment an individual and other individuals in this fashion was quite brutal in my opinion. There are social issues at Sutton with some individuals hoarding flotillas of boats. However it is the system that is failing and to switch off the electric during the winter to all boaters on the Norfolk Broads demonstrates a very dark side to how the Broads Authority and it's system fails to deal with social issues on the Norfolk Broads.

To antagonise someone who may or may not be vulnerable will only result in people having meltdowns and further issues. In many cases and I don't necessarily refer to any particular individuals, their lives are not too far away from all these people coming across the English Channel. They are not thriving and are surviving the best they can.

Agitation of these folks is not going to end well. They need to be treated with respect just like any other human being, they need to follow the rules on the waterways just like any other boater. If the Broads Authority is not resolving these social issues and there are loopholes being exploited, then it is the system that has failed.

I don't believe in 'hand outs' but there is a huge disparity between that and 'hand ups'

Ask yourself what you would do in their situation?

https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/24285326.p ... fishermen/
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Re: Abusive Fishermen Preventing Boats Mooring Up On Norfolk Broads

Post by NBF »

Shocking-Encounter-on-Norfolk-Broads-Aggressive-Fishermen-Block-Boat-Mooring-YouTube (2).png
Shocking-Encounter-on-Norfolk-Broads-Aggressive-Fishermen-Block-Boat-Mooring-YouTube (2).png (141.64 KiB) Viewed 23753 times
As the ongoing police investigation continues with the abusive fisherman incident at Irstead Staithe on the Norfolk Broads, one of the fishermen starts making bizarre comments and claims on the many national newspapers that have reported this story for several weeks.

Firstly, bizarre claims are made that the boat attempting to moor...
The Boater in question deliberately and without warning veered across the river

Anybody familiar with this stretch of water knows that this is a physical impossibility as the waterway is very narrow and the boat can clearly be seen coming in as slow as possible and nowhere near his multiple rods.
and over the lines of the angler doing all the shouting and swearing cutting one of his lines off in the process leaving a bait on a set of trebles in the water for either a pike or otter to digest and possibly die.
Interesting that he is so concerned about the wildlife's welfare that he has a total of four rods set up solely for yanking fish out of the water with hooks in their mouth.
the bloke gave zero warning and did go over my lines as it can be seen on the video
On studying the video it could not be more evident that the fisherman's rod is under no resistance at all as the fisherman is holding it with one hand so he can have another hand free to unleash his truculent tirade against a chap trying to moor.
Shocking-Encounter-on-Norfolk-Broads-Aggressive-Fishermen-Block-Boat-Mooring-YouTube (1).png
Shocking-Encounter-on-Norfolk-Broads-Aggressive-Fishermen-Block-Boat-Mooring-YouTube (1).png (219.45 KiB) Viewed 23753 times
I think most anglers would have reacted likewise
Let's hope not...hopefully most anglers would have adhered to the Norfolk Broads byelaws and not been foul-mouthed, abusive, physically threatening and kicked away a boat not once but on two separate occasions, the last time whilst the boat owner was not even on his vessel.
Luckily there were also other witnesses as to what went on
That part at least is accurate as a boat full of people were witnessing while filming too.
Norfolk-Broads-Aggressive-Fishermen-Block-Boat-Mooring.png (165.07 KiB) Viewed 23753 times

It is evident from this video and after reading these comments online that at least one of these individuals refuses to take responsibility and accountability for their actions. This is concerning as it does mean they are a threat to boaters' safety and need to be held accountable for their actions.

The video of the incident has currently had over 25,000 views with multiple newspapers publishing the incident several times.

Furthermore, the incident has taken a bizarre turn of events with at least one of the abusive fishermen as quoted above is publicly claiming online that he is the victim of this incident.
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