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Exploring the Historic Lock 5 and Lock 6 of the North Walsham and Dilham Canal

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Exploring the Historic Lock 5 and Lock 6 of the North Walsham and Dilham Canal

Post by NBF »

Exploring the Historic Lock 5 and Lock 6 of the North Walsham and Dilham Canal

Today's adventure takes us to a truly exciting destination – the elusive Lock 5 and Lock 6 of the North Walsham and Dilham Canal. Securing access through the generous permission of the landowners, the Starling family, I extend my gratitude to make this exploration possible.

This exclusive journey unveils the remnants of lock gates numbered five and six, both of which have witnessed the passage of time. Unlike their more visible counterparts, these locks have ceased operation, adding an air of mystery to their surroundings.

Commencing our exploration with Lock 6, it becomes evident that this gate has weathered years without the constant flow of water. With its inactive state, it is intriguing to consider that, not long ago, this area accommodated the bustling activity of boat traffic, with three or four vessels passing through weekly.

Positioned at the northernmost point of Lock 6, my gaze captures Bradfield Bridge, obscured by trees. This bridge marked the entrance for boats, ushering water into the canal. The adjacent vast field, known as Bradfield Broad due to historical flooding, adds a fascinating dimension to the canal's history.

A closer examination reveals the remains of the original gate, a testament to the canal's rich past. Only a fragment remains, emphasising the age and historical significance of this structure. The surrounding area, once a waiting zone for boat traffic, now lies dormant, showcasing the changes over time.

As we transition to Lock 5, the overgrown vegetation conceals much of its history. However, the allure of exploration remains, as it presents a clearer view of the other side. Imagining its former glory, Lock 5 was once a vital point in the canal, with sluice gates and a series of mechanisms regulating water flow.

Standing at the entrance of Lock 5, the impression of where gates once stood is evident, marked by distinct indentations. Turning around, the current state of the canal, now no longer filled with water, is a stark contrast to its historical function. It's a challenge to fathom that this tranquil scene was once a working canal, witnessing boats traversing through the waterways.

In conclusion, the journey through Lock 5 and Lock 6 offers a glimpse into the bygone era of the North Walsham and Dilham Canal. The remnants of infrastructure, combined with the natural beauty of the surroundings, create a unique blend of history and tranquillity. The Locks, now silent witnesses to the passage of time, invite us to reflect on the vibrant past of this once-thriving waterway.
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