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Navigating the Norfolk Broads: A Fuel-Efficient Adventure

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Navigating the Norfolk Broads: A Fuel-Efficient Adventure

Post by NBF »

Navigating the Norfolk Broads: A Fuel-Efficient Adventure

Embarking on a boating expedition during the late May bank holiday weekend of 2018 on the picturesque Norfolk Broads, I found myself immersed in the tranquillity of the river. My vessel, a Lesire 23SL with a trusty Volvo Penta md5, may be considered old, but its single-cylinder engine proved a fuel-saving marvel.

Over a month, I cruised up and down the river daily, covering considerable distances. Remarkably, my recent diesel refill only amounted to 17 litres, a testament to the efficiency of the Volvo Penta md5. This reliable engine allowed me to navigate the waters smoothly, offering a delightful experience during the vibrant May bank holiday weekend.

Exploring the River Terrain

As I charted my course, I encountered a charming section on the right-hand side of the river, adorned with picturesque groupings of wetlands. However, it's worth noting that this part of the river is occasionally populated by curious cattle in the adjacent fields. While the scenery is captivating, beware of horseflies, as they can be quite a nuisance during your riverside journey.

Deck Maintenance: A Labour of Love

Away from the river, I indulged in the upkeep of my other sailboat, a task I find oddly enjoyable. Applying Hammerite Smooth, a rust-resistant coating, became a meticulous process. Contrary to conventional wisdom, I opted for a thicker application, allowing me to layer it gradually. This technique, coupled with wet sanding using emery paper, resulted in a remarkable finish. While some may consider it unconventional, this method adds both protection and aesthetic appeal to the boat's exterior.

Considering the deck's functionality, I faced a dilemma in choosing between white gloss and blue paint. Anticipating the need for grip, I decided to experiment with a blue deck paint. This provides a non-slip surface.

Riverside Exploration

Taking a break from boat maintenance, I took the opportunity to explore the surroundings. Located at How Hill, a charming river stop. While I typically steer clear of touristy spots, the allure of this well-kept secret proved irresistible.

A Symphony of Nature

The late afternoon resonated with the melodies of a guitar, creating a harmonious atmosphere as I enjoyed the beauty of How Hill. The presence of a serene pleasure wherry added to the charm, making it a perfect spot to unwind.

Unveiling Nature's Secrets

In my explorations, I stumbled upon a hidden paradise—the secret garden at How Hill. Although my penchant for avoiding touristy places is well-known, this hidden gem demanded attention. The allure of this lush and well-maintained sanctuary was undeniable, showcasing nature's beauty in its purest form.

Avian Ambiance

Amidst my journey, the riverbanks echoed with the calls of various birds, many of which lingered about the boat, perhaps relishing the tranquillity of the moment.

As the day unfolded, the scenic beauty and enchanting surprises along the Norfolk Broads served as a reminder that boating is not just about reaching destinations but about appreciating the journey and the hidden wonders that unfold along the way.
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