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Unlocking Nautical Secrets: The Fascinating Tale Behind "Port & Starboard"

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Unlocking Nautical Secrets: The Fascinating Tale Behind "Port & Starboard"

Post by NBF »

Unlocking Nautical Secrets: The Fascinating Tale Behind "Port & Starboard"

In the vast expanse of the world's waterways, an unspoken rule governs the dance of boats and ships—they always pass on the right. This navigational norm, known as starboard, holds a captivating origin, transcending geographical boundaries.

Steering Through History

The genesis of nautical terms, particularly starboard, unveils a captivating narrative. In the early days of seafaring, boats lacked the centralised rudders we are accustomed to today. Instead, they relied on steering oars, a relic from a much more ancient era.

Intriguingly, most sailors in those times were right-handed, influencing the placement of the steering oar on the right side of the stern. This designated side earned the moniker "steering side," evolving over time into the term starboard. The etymology combines two Old English words: "steor," meaning steer, and "bord," denoting the side of a boat.

Port and Starboard: A Logical Choice

The question often arises—why not simply refer to the left and right sides of the boat? The answer lies in the practicality of communication on the open waters. By adopting the terms port and starboard, irrespective of one's orientation or location on the boat, clarity prevails. In contrast, using left and right would introduce confusion based on the observer's facing direction.

Evolution of Terminology

As boats expanded in size, so did the steering oar. This growth facilitated easier docking on the side opposite the oar, leading to the introduction of "larboard" or the loading side. However, due to potential confusion with starboard, larboard eventually gave way to the now-familiar term—port. This shift clarified the side facing the port, streamlining the process of loading supplies by porters.

It's crucial to dispel any misconception about the terms port and starboard being related to the beverage "port." In reality, these expressions are ancient mariners' nautical terms rooted in common sense. They serve the greater good of all who navigate the once-public highways, ensuring seamless passage through tidal waters.


In unravelling the maritime history behind the term starboard, we discover a tale woven with practicality and foresight. The evolution from steering oars to centralised rudders and the adoption of port and starboard as standard nautical terms exemplifies the ingenious ways mariners have navigated the seas. So, the next time you witness boats gracefully passing on the right, remember, it's more than a convention—it's a legacy shaped by centuries of seafaring wisdom.
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